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From the tribute to Gigi Riva to Otello: Olbia, here is the prose season of the Cedac circuit #finsubito richiedi mutuo fino 100% #finsubito richiedi prestito immediato

From Lucia Vasini to Enzo Decaro and Giuseppe Cederna, the stage of the Cine-Teatro Olbia is preparing to host the new prose season organized by the Cedac circuit. For the audience, always numerous and attentive, and waiting for the opening of the box office, a range of shows that range from revisited classics to brilliant comedies to original texts. “In the city, interest in theater is always impressive,” said the councilor for culture, Sabrina Serra. “We try to satisfy an engaged audience that gives us useful feedback for the programming. We are working to offer free reruns to high school students, in particular the show “Othello” by Shakespeare, with Giuseppe Cederna.”

Eight shows: starting on Friday 6 December with the new one-woman-show by Debora Villa, “Tilt – Esaurimento Globale”, to continue, on 10 January, with the comedy “L’illusione coniugale” by Eric Assous, starring Rosita Celentano, Attilio Fontana and Stefano Artissunch, who also signs the direction. At the end of January, on the 31st, the tribute to Gigi Riva written, directed and performed by Alessandro Lay; “Riva Luigi ’69 ’70 – Cagliari ai dì dello scudetto” is a play inspired by the football legend, one year after his death.

On February 14th, it will be the turn of the touching “L’assaggiatrice di Hitler”, which makes its regional debut in Olbia: based on a true story, told by Rosella Postorino, the show is directed by Sandro Mabellini. Lucia Vasini, Lorenzo Lavia and Paolo Triestino will be the protagonists, on February 21st, in “Le Gratitudini”, from the novel by Delphine de Vigan, while on March 14th, the ancient tragedy “Andromache”, by Euripides will be performed. Closing the season, on Friday March 28th, the funny comedy by Peppino De Filippo “Non è vero ma ci incredi”, performed by a host of actors led by Enzo De Caro and, on April 14th, “Othello” by Shakespeare, rewritten by Francesco Niccolini with Giuseppe Cederna in the role of Iago.

“The collaboration with Cedac is consolidated”, added the president of the Culture Commission, Simonetta Padre. “The season is a fundamental event for the period in which it takes place, people await it with great interest. The administration is working to find new spaces for culture”. “The relationship between Cedac and the city of Olbia is really very close”, reiterated the artistic director, Valeria Ciabattoni. “The program was designed for all ages with a preponderance towards comedy in all its nuances and an eye towards the young audience that we hope to channel in this dedicated matinée. Without forgetting the importance of some specific themes such as the female condition, gender equality, violence and senility”.

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Road map to the event detailed by the city Cedac representative, Cesare Lombardo: the renewal of the season ticket will be possible from November 13th to 24th while from November 26th to December 4th the new season tickets will start; from December 6th the sale of single tickets at a cost of 16 euros with the small novelty of some tickets purchasable online.

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The Cedac prose season in Olbia is supported by the Municipality, the Sardinia Region, the MIC and the contribution of the Fondazione di Sardegna.

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