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There were “various topics regarding the planning and development of Sardinia” on the agenda of the Villa Devoto summit between the Regional Council, Sardinian senators and deputies of all political parties and a representation of the Regional Council.

The works, chaired by the governor Alessandra Todde, have seen on the agenda numerous issues starting from the infrastructural programming linked to the Fsc funds and the problems of insularity. The objective is to “activate common synergies and share a unitary territorial vision beyond political affiliations, in view of the next financial programming”, as stated in a note from the Region.

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First of all, accessibility: in the aftermath of the composition of the new European Commission, ” it is necessary to forcefully relaunch negotiations on continuity models, airport structures, maritime transport, particularly with regard to the issue of logistics and competitiveness”. “A greater commitment from the State on the accessibility front” is needed.

Another topic discussed was the recovery of the infrastructure gap: “It is essential to direct cohesion funds towards the reduction of infrastructure gaps, with particular reference to internal transport and telecommunications. Sardinia remains the last Italian region for infrastructure interventions. New investments in digital transformation can significantly reduce the island gap”.

On transport, it was underlined, it is necessary to “focus on internal transport and the development of the railway network, where it is necessary to change the paradigm that links investments to mere market logic”.

Scientific research also plays an important role, “in which we must invest decisively. A great opportunity in this sense is provided by the Einstein Telescope on Lula’s territory. We must strengthen the synergies between the State and the Region on this point”.

Finanziamo strutture per affitti brevi

Gestiamo strutture per affitto breve

On the topic of general and development taxation, the need was highlighted to “take stock together with the Government representatives on the Irpef chapter and on Past Taxation where there is a gap compared to what the Region should collect. It is then necessary to introduce forms of development taxation and low-regulation areas to encourage the attraction of investments”.

Among the items on the agenda, a key role is played by the explanation of Special Autonomy: for the regional executive «it is necessary to reiterate the statutory attributes in light of the Reform of Autonomies and the position of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia in the national context». On the environment and the defense of the territory «it was reiterated that the values and environmental specificities of the island are priorities for the Region, which supports sustainable development through an energy transition that respects the environment and the landscape. In this sense, it is necessary to review some community restrictions placed for example on energy communities for businesses and citizens, currently attested to a power limit of 1 MW».

Returning to the environmental theme, the thorny issue of the water emergency was addressed: «In light of the ongoing climate changes, it is necessary to reflect on major works, dams and infrastructure of the basins».
At the end of the meeting, President Todde expressed the hope that the comparison and sharing with the island’s representatives in Rome “can be renewed regularly with the aim of addressing the main challenges for Sardinia with a unitary approach and in a spirit of loyal collaboration”.

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